From the delivery driver crisscrossing the city to the environmental crew clearing streets, MOTOTRBO™ can transform your enterprise and make employee interactions smarter and safer. Our best-in-class audio and exceptional data capabilities empower people like never before. Versatile and powerful, MOTOTRBO combines the best of two-way radio functionality with the latest digital technology. DM4000 Series radios integrate voice and data seamlessly, offer enhanced features that are easy to use, and deliver operations-critical advantages like integrated Bluetooth® and Intelligent Audio. The DM4000 Series can remaster your workplace and the way people collaborate to help you achieve even greater efficiency.
Motorola DM4400
Motorola DM4400
Main Features
UHF1 (403-470MHz) LP/HP; VHF (136-174MHz) LP/HP; IP54 rated
99 channels
2-digit numerical display
3 watt built-in loudspeaker for clear audio
Rugged front & rear accessory connectors
Accessory connector supports USB interface
Large, easy-to-use volume/channel knob
4 programmable buttons to improve ease-of-use and increase operator efficiency
Multi-coloured LED indicators provide clear feedback on radio operating status
Quick, easy-to-use Group, Individual and All-call capability
PTT ID helps improve communications efficiency and system discipline
Remote Monitor features help ensure employee safety and enable fast assessment of remote user status
Elegant channel scanning schemes help ensure calls are received first time every time
Intelligent Audio feature automatically adjusts the radio volume according to the environment’s noise level
Built-in Bluetooth for wireless and data (DM4401 only)
Voice announcement of channel change and feature activation
5 Tone analogue feature support
Basic / Enhanced Privacy
VOX Capability
Lone Worker
IP Site Connect (Multiple Site Connectivity) and Capacity Plus (Single Site Trunking)

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